Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Pastor Pax?

I had such a good time with Pax today coming home from school. He told me a junior high friend spoke at chapel and that he thinks he would like to do that. He said it would have to do with keeping a clean conscience and that he would write about James who confesses sins and himself. Pax said he feels like a different person from who he was last year. Instead of not caring about breaking things, for instance, now he takes ownership of what he has broken. He broke a ball pump at school today and he said "and I just told the person in the office what I did and it was fine." I suggested that maybe he had become a Christian lately and he didn't object to the idea. He wants to write out what he would say at a chapel and ask if he can give it. I really encouraged him to do that. Go Pax!


Anonymous said...

And to think driving use to be be nothing but stressful for you. Now, it's the place for these life-altering conversations of eternal value with people you love. God is good.

Anonymous said...

wow, how wonderful!
