Our hope in prayer is rooted in His faithfulness. We have none.
Our hope in prayer is rooted in His grace. He is unwilling to rest until the work of our transformation is complete.
Our hope in prayer is rooted in His love-He looks out for us and hears our cry.
Our hope in prayer is rooted in His commitment to His own glory. I don't think I will ever understand this statement until heaven: His commitment to His own glory causes Him to listen and respond and answer until we no longer look to the shadow glories of creation for satisfaction but rather to Him alone and all that He is. Nope, no matter how often I read that, I can't process it. These comments are taken from Paul Tripp's blog.
This is dedicated to my sister and her husband who have fought long and hard to get their adopted son from Romania the help he needs. Their son is 16 and needs so much more than the public high school special ed program can give. They are hoping that the lawyers, doctors, therapists and school officials, etc. will find a place for him elswhere. The right school is out there but getting placed there has been impossible so far. They have been working toward this goal for about 10 years. Wed., Jan. 30, they will know once and for all the verdict. We would really appreciate your prayers. Thanks