Saturday, March 1, 2008


More on aging! Damien has become a cross-word "puzzler". It is actually very good for the aging brain as we all know. On American Idol one of the "rockers" said he does cross-word puzzles in his free time which Simon laughed at and retorted "That is boring and will do nothing for your american-idol image." Paula quipped back, "I beg your pardon, women like smart men!" I thought that was a great reply and so true.
Anyway, on a program last night on the brain it was explained that when an older person starts looking down as he walks, he is actually replacing the brain's job for balance with the eye-which is a poor substitute and will not work. Older people, keep looking up when you are walking just as you always did! Kids never look down even when they gallop down steps.


Anonymous said...

There are some daily crossword puzzles online, but I'm sure Damien has already found them...

Damien said...

in fact i've got one linked on fingerpost under "fun."

kibbe said...

That's why we have to keep playing cribbage and scrabble ec. as well....anyone for a game night?

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I confess I hate crossword puzzles(unless we're doing it as a family and everyone else comes up with the answers).
Game night:Yes, but go for Dutch Blitz, Yahtzee, or Uno:-)

Jonnie said...

Hmmm... Such interesting creatures we humans are. It's been too long sense we touched base. I am going to get your email from one of your children.

myroaring20s said...

Ballroom dancing is supposed to be wonderful in keeping the mind spry.

kate said...

my mother is a semi professional dancer (in my eyes) and a healthy 86.

kate said...

been watching little kids these last 2 days-they look down too-and when you tell them to look up so they wont fall, they look straight up to the sky--oh brother!

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