Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pax is a daddy!

This is the orphaned Ping who was rescued with a crabbing net at the little beach by the radio station. It is eating its grain and drinking and chirping and paddling around in our bathtub, but mostly nestled in its cardboard box near Pax's bed. The little mallard has lived with us for three days.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

End of school year trip!

This is me and my little (Mud Turtle) friend at Blackwater Refuge! Damien and I hiked along pathways and the water's edge. We didn't have our kids trailing behind us as we did in prior years but it was just as enjoyable as a couple. We saw several Banded Water Snakes right at our feet and dozens and dozens of Painted Turtles basking in the sun. We could learn a few lessons about taking it easy from those little critters.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My girl Sienna is 20 and gone again.

Sienna was home from college for a short week before she flew away again. I miss Sienna's calm, loving and uplifting ways with her Papa. I miss the funny faces she makes, her affectionate smiles and how she can make me laugh when I am in a bad mood. It will be fun to anticipate her return. There are irises in full bloom in the garden and I always think of her when I see them because they were flowering around our home when I returned from the hospital after having her.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Gentle Giant

Dave Lee was a man in his forties... 6'4" and 250 lbs or so... our big, extended Howard family knew him because he was a close friend to my brother-in-law David Howard for the last 30 years. Dave Lee with his longish hair and beard was a noticeable sight on his bike which is how he got around in his hometown of Easton. This past winter he was quite pleased about having his license and his own little car. He called Damien often to see how he was and came over recently to see us. He never stayed long - just inquired as to how we were doing and that he was doing well in that big booming voice of his. He was hit by a truck while riding his bike last week. I just learned of his death. At the memorial service, I am sure we will hear of his gentleness, his generous ways and his child-like appreciation for life in general. David Lee Archer-Shee has a soul that will never die. I pray that through God's great mercy, he is resting and whole and free in the everlasting Arms of Jesus - wouldn't that be something.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"Supa dam hawd"

The title is an inside joke among our family and a few friends. My 17th day subbing for a certain teacher is somewhat rewarding and enjoyable but today was just "supa dam hawd". Pax said that many years ago at age 5 when Damien asked him how his dentist appointment went that day. He had many cavities filled during that particular appointment and a root canal.
Anyway, since working everyday I can't believe I live in a world where so many people leave their home early and get home late EVERYDAY for decades. I am needing to sit deep in my home and live in the heart of it again. It gives me a new appreciation for my hard-working husband who worked long hours with Larson-Juhl through sweltering heat and ice storms, sick or well, feeling down or up year in and year out... he went for us...and, Lord willing, is returning to his work June 2.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

God be with you Lowen and Sienna

To Low in Uganda and Sienna in Norway... may God give you love, peace, wisdom, the excitement of a little kid, and a fire in your heart. Go as His lights into these unfamiliar lands. There is no greater joy than to see one's children claim God as their own and walk in His ways. Growth in faith seems slow at times and we clumsily and half-heartedly make steps toward Him. But He pursues us relentlessly and victoriously - that's the amazing part and the happy part.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Fast Paced Saturday

Good Grief. I have been teaching Pax to hoe the vegetable garden. He uses the hoe like a weapon to destroy and maim. I am trying to impress upon him gentleness... Eli arrives with a lacrosse stick in hand (he's 3), actually 2 of them and he and Pax practice as well as any 12 year old and 3 year old can....Pax gets the idea of a lemonade stand and we slowly move in that direction because it is only 11a.m. Damien has started the mower and he and I are working on that while Pax is working with Eli. Sienna, Kyrie and Linnea are spiraling around the house, yard and park with the camera. Damien arranges a photo shoot. Chalice has to get home from babysitting and get ready for her school's formal--everyone in gowns and tuxedos. Chalice appears from upstairs in a lavender gown and has to get to the quick shop for 2 bags of ice for the affair. I try to imagine her walking into the quick shop looking like a princess. Shoot! I remember I have to make 2 cakes by 6 p.m. Jedd, my next-to-favorite boy, joins the Howard chaos and he has brought his dog,Eli, who is much more of a bear, to the yard. The lemonade stand is now manned by 3 boys and there is a bear tied up to the telephone pole. I bring it a bucket of water. People actually stop for lemonade...mostly fathers in trucks. The very best part of this day is that Eli (the boy, not the bear) and I are FINALLY alone and calm because everyone went to see Spiderman. We are sooooooooooo glad.